Monday, May 26, 2008

Ask Satan

Persistent reader FranIAm asks: I never thought I'd find myself asking this... but where the hell is Satan???

New Zealand.


Fran said...

What a tease, what a (pardon the expression) goddam tease you are.

New Zealand.

Nice, really nice.

This kind of post elucidates the depth of your evil. And as with most encounters with the dark one, I am excited by the sight of you (ie - a post from you in my Google reader) and then deeply disappointed with the encounter overall.

Have fun down under, which is not to say New Zealand is hell. I am sure it is lovely. Don't screw it up for them.

Fran said...

I actually have reason to believe that you truly are in New Zealand.

Damn devil.

Satan said...

Would I lie to you? In fact, I'm in Christchurch (which I'm sure you'll appreciate).

Odd to hear that I'm a goddamn tease. I thought I had it on good authority that God didn't damn anyone...

-- Satan

Ubermilf said...

He's visiting the Tasmanian Devil!

Mauigirl said...

New Zealand is lovely. Not really the right place for Satan but at least it explains his absence from our midst.

Satan said...

I was only visiting. Now I'm back home where it's warmer. In between I went to Montreal to get into bar fights in strip clubs. Oh, and I went to Connecticut. And New Jersey.

-- Satan

Angry Ballerina said...

I am of the belief that he resides in Texas. Or D.C.


Satan said...

Welcome, Ballerina.

I'm afraid both guesses are wrong, though. It's warmer where I live. (Though DC in August is typically pretty close.)

-- Satan