Sunday, April 20, 2008

Ask Satan

Forthright reader Übermilf asks:

what, you're too good to blog now? Screw you, Satan.

No. I'm sorry I haven't been posting, but my professional responsbilities exploded on me recently, and combined with some other personal obligations, something had to give. The blog is more or less on hiatus for now.

But, as Barry Bonds told the faithful on Opening Day 2005, I will be back.

-- Satan


Fran said...

As is so often the case, Ubermilf speaks for many of us.

While I understand your obligations, the blogworld is a little less colorful without your presence.

That - to some - might be a good thing.

However, not for me.

Ubermilf said...

I would think stealing souls from college students would be easy.

I guess not.

CTK said...

When Satan's away, the damned shall play!

Ubermilf said...

I mean, the credit card companies make it look easy...

Mauigirl said...

Hope you're back soon! Those professional responsibilities really get in the way sometimes...

Distributorcap said...

i keep coming back
eventually you will home

Fran said...

I never thought I'd find myself asking this... but where the hell is Satan???